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电话: 0755-86574253
姓名: FJDynamics
FJ Dynamics Co., Ltd.

  FJDynamics is a robotics company focusing on digitization, automation and new energy. At present, our technology has been widely applied across precision agriculture, digital construction, geospatial, electrical, etc. The company has R&D and operation centers in Singapore, U.S., Sweden, mainland China and Hong Kong. With the global reach of our business, we are excited to work with our partners and customers to build a better future for our world. We are committed to making useful and affordable

主要产品/业务: FJD Tractor Autosteering Kit

FJ Dynamics Co., Ltd. / 北京 / 709, Satellite Building, No.61 Gaoxin Ave 9 South, Nanshan Distr (518000) / 电话:0755-86574253

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